Obviously, we hope this situation never presents itself, but unfortunately, on occasion it does happen that a product is damaged during transportation. In that case, you'll probably want to know what to do.
Well, first of all, please get in touch with us as soon as you can, preferably within three days after the delivery. Send us an e-mail (info@tintrio.be or info@tintrio.nl) including the following:
- a clear picture of the shipping label
- a clear picture of the damage to the product and/or parcel
- your order reference (starts with ORDBE... / ORDNL...)
With all of the above, we can contact the delivery service on the one hand, and look for a fitting solution for you on the other. The solution could be that we re-send the product, or reimburse you (partially) for the damaged product(s), for example, depending on the severity of the damage and your own preferences. Our customer service will always consult with you about this.
Should you require a fast solution, do not hesitate call us: +32 (0)3 778 29 40 (Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri from 9 AM to 12 PM and from 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM, Wed only from 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM).
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